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Labor Day Fitness Celebration: Energize Your Long Weekend

Labor Day was established to mark the 130th anniversary of the labor movement and its efforts to improve the working environment in the US. 

This is why it matters to take a day off to reward yourself for all your hard work and efforts, as well as to honor those individuals who have worked tirelessly to make the working class reputable and equal. 

As everyone plans their weekends away, this article will help you save money on gas, skip holiday traffic, and have fun in the comfort of your own home. Discover why it is important to celebrate Labor Day and what healthy and active ways to do it.

History of Labor Day

This year, Labor Day will be celebrated on September 4, 2023. On Labor Day, towns and communities across the nation continue to plan parades, barbecues, picnics, fireworks displays, and other outdoor events.  It marks the end of summer and the start of back-to-school season for many Americans, especially kids and young adults.

Labor Day celebrates the over a century of labor movement's efforts to improve working conditions in the country. With the Industrial Revolution came a rise in demand for workers and trade unions. Eight-hour movements began to take root in the 1850s with the aim of reducing the working day from ten to eight hours. 

The first Labor Day parade was held in New York City on September 5, 1882. It all started with the Central Labor Union and other organizations wanting to grant workers a day off.

Plates of healthy foods for Labor Day celebration.

Healthy Ways to Celebrate Labor Day

Remember these useful tips to help you stay away from the many diet issues that could arise from Labor Day celebrations.

1. Healthy Grill Party

Barbecues in the backyard are a tradition of Labor Day celebrations. Grill some free-range chicken breasts or wild-caught salmon, trout, or other cold-water fish instead of the usual unhealthy hamburgers and hotdogs. You may also grill veggies as a healthy side dish or prepare kabobs with your favorite vegetables and lean, free-range beef. Be original—there are lots of healthy grilling options!

2. Fitness challenge 

Make a fitness challenge that is fun for everyone to do indoors. It might take the form of a friendly competition involving yoga, dance, or even a little obstacle course. It's also an excellent way to spend time with your loved ones while staying active.

3. Board Game Tournament

Create a board game tournament with challenging games that promote critical thinking. This is a great indoor activity that will excite your mind and strengthen bonds with friends and family.

Setting Stage for a Healthy Labor Day 

It's important to maintain an active lifestyle when on vacation for your mental and physical well-being. It will help you control your weight, improve your mood, and lessen your stress. You should get active during your vacation for the following reasons:

Boost Your Energy  

You don't want to stay in bed for too long because it will make you less productive and affect your motivation for the next few days. This holiday season, be more awake, active, and attentive so you can finish more things that you've been meaning to do over the past few months. 

Reduce Stress    

Working may sometimes be demanding. It would therefore be an excellent idea to take a short break and hit the gym today. Exercise has been found to improve mood by generating feel-good hormones, which improve physical health and reduce stress.

Maintain Your Weight

Sometimes, when you get caught up in the holiday festivities, it's easy to lose track of your food or calorie intake, which can lead to weight gain. You can stay on track and maintain your fitness while still enjoying your well-earned dinner by doing a short workout or a 10-minute exercise.

Improves Sleep  

Regular exercise will improve your sleep, which will boost both your home and workplace efficiency. As an adult, you need at least 7 hours of restful sleep each night. Emphasis should be placed on quality, as even extended sleep might occasionally leave you feeling exhausted when you wake up. Avoiding alcohol and coffee consumption an hour before bed may be a good idea. 

A woman in light blue sweatshirt thoroughly checking her weight.

Creating Home Fitness Space 

It's essential to have a fitness space in the home, even if it's only a small area where you can move around without worrying about knocking anything over. This Labor Day weekend, find a place to work out and keep your fitness equipment and gym mat. You can incorporate regular exercise into your routine in this way, especially if you work from home. 

What do you need for your home gym? 

For setting up your home gym, here are some things you might want to consider: 

  1. Yoga Mat: One of the main things you need is a yoga mat. You will need to use this in the majority of your exercises, like warm-ups and recovery, for your comfort and to prevent injuries.
  1. Set of Dumbbells: Due to their versatility, dumbbells can be used for a lot of workouts. You can choose the ones that best fit your needs because they are available in various weights and sizes.
  1. Resistance Bands: Resistance bands are best for at-home workouts because they are portable and lightweight. They can be used for flexibility, stretching, and strength training exercises.
  1. Kettlebells: These are great for building strength and endurance. They can be used for a variety of exercises, like swings, squats, and lunges.

You may add more if you have specific target muscles to improve, but these tools are a great starting point to add to your home gym. You won't have more excuses when you miss legwork on vacation.

Labor Day Workouts 

On a long weekend like this, you might want a workout that won't snatch all your time yet will still be effective. A quick workout can be a lifesaver, especially if you have a hectic schedule. 

10-Minute Total Body Workout 

Try this routine if you want a complete workout but only have a limited amount of time. Each exercise should be performed for two minutes, with a 30-second break in between.    

Bodyweight Squats: 2 minutes

  1. To start, place your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart.
  2. Sit and don't let your knees extend past your toes. 
  3. Straighten your back and stand firm. 
  4. Rest for 30 seconds.

Push-Ups: 2 minutes

  1. Start with a high plank with your hands about shoulder width apart. 
  2. Your chest should be as close to the floor as you can get it by bending your arms.
  3. Push back up to a plank.
  4. Rest for 30 seconds.

Planks With T-Rotation: 1 minute in each arm

  1. Get your feet hip-distance apart and begin in a high plank position.
  2. With your left shoulder above your left wrist, turn your full body to the right for a side plank.
  3. Keep lifting your hips up while raising your right arm to the ceiling.
  4. Return your right arm to the high plank. Repeat on the other arm. 
  5. Rest for 30 seconds.

Standing Oblique Crunches: 2 minutes

  1. Put your hands behind your head and raise your elbows as you stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Bend your back to the left, lifting your left knee toward your left elbow.
  3. Repeat on the other side, bringing your right knee toward your right elbow as you bring your left foot back to the standing position.
  4. Throughout the next two minutes, repeat the process, switching sides after each rep.
  5. Rest for 30 seconds. 

HIIT Mountain Climbers 

Given that it works the shoulders, core, triceps, and quadriceps, this high-intensity interval training is regarded as a full-body workout. It's a great exercise for developing endurance and core strength. 

  1. Put your hands directly below your shoulders in a push-up position.
  2. Don't let them move while you do the exercise.
  3. Take each knee up or forward with your hands under your chin and back in quick succession, alternating legs. 
  4. Maintain an upright position, draw a long, straight line from your head to your feet, and keep your buttocks down.
  5. In 30 seconds, complete as many rounds as you can.
  6. Take a 30 to 60 second rest.

60-Second Sprints

If you have a treadmill or a very wide backyard, then this is the perfect workout for you. 

  1. To start, put your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. With your back foot, quickly change direction while kneeling up and swinging the opposing arm forward.
  3. As you push off and extend behind, make sure your legs are fully extended to stand up straight, maintain an upright posture, and have a fully engaged core.
  4. Repeat 4-8 times.
  5. Rest 30 seconds between reps. 

Key Takeaway

It's an excellent opportunity to celebrate in ways that prioritize your physical and emotional health as well as the spirit of the holiday. Embracing healthier options doesn't imply sacrificing enjoyment; rather, it opens up exciting new possibilities for establishing lasting connections with family and friends. 

Embrace the essence of Labor Day—a week of rest and pleasure for the hard work people do all year—by allocating time to indoor workouts that revitalize bodies and brains. Take this chance to cherish important connections and improve your health, while also honoring the significance of Labor Day in a fresh and rekindling way.

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