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Fall into Fitness: Seasonal Outdoor Exercises and Wellness Tips

This is not the time to take it easy and forget about your fitness goals; as you prepare for winter, your physical being must be prepared too.

Seasons change swiftly, so it's important to keep our bodies moving at the same pace to maintain a perfect, healthy body tune. 

In this article, you will learn additional ways to be active despite the chilly weather and warm bed and to stay on track with your fitness year-round. 

A woman in blue sportswear doing some stretching before working out.


Benefits of Fall Fitness

If you have an active lifestyle, the cold weather should serve as a reminder to lift more. Here are some important benefits of fitness in the fall season:

Perfect Outdoor Vibe

The autumn weather is also ideal for a walk; although it has a "stay at home and drink coffee" vibe, the stunning surroundings and brilliant hues are sure to urge you to walk, run, or cycle.  It's the perfect moment to start exercising while taking in the cold, crisp air and natural beauty of the great outdoors.

Mood Booster   

SAD, or Seasonal Affective Disorder, is a kind of depression in which symptoms of moodiness and anxiety begin in the fall and last throughout the winter months. The "winter blues," as they call it, can lead to a loss of interest, weight gain, and too much sleeping. However, if you exercise more during this time, your body will respond by releasing endorphins as a result of being active.

Weight Management 

The holiday season is rapidly approaching, and exercising may help you maintain a healthy weight. According to the American Heart Association, adults should engage in 150 minutes of physical activity every week. You can go for a walk in the park or ride your bike. If you don't have much time, a 75-minute HIIT session per week would be enough. 

A fitness enthusiast checking his or her weight and body measurement.

Strengthen the Immune System

Fall is flu and cold season, so staying active can help maintain a healthy immune system and keep off infectious diseases. Regular exercise boosts the circulation of immunological cells in the bloodstream, including white blood cells and antibodies. This enhances your body's ability to identify and fight off infections.     

Fall Workout Ideas 

People sometimes struggle to incorporate exercise into their daily routines during the last few months of the year. Here are a few outdoor and indoor exercises that don't require much but are still effective when done consistently. 

Outdoor Exercises 

Take out your cardigan and sportswear; it's more fun to work in the autumn air. Here are some of the outdoor activities you might want to try during the fall season.


Walking is an excellent way to get some exercise, enjoy some fresh air, and spend time with friends or family, or by yourself if you would like. Walking is one of the simplest yet most relaxing ways to get a fall workout! 

Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity walking per week or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity walking per week. Walking every day can help reduce your risk of a few common medical conditions: coronaries, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and depression.

Hiking and trail running

Consider inviting someone along or joining an exercise group to connect with others and enjoy more of the psychological benefits of running. Trail running and hiking are ideal ways to get outside and move your body. Trail running not only improves your physical health by increasing your cardiovascular and muscular endurance, but it also boosts your mental health.

Cycling through fall foliage

The fall season is absolutely the most beautiful time for cyclists to hop out on their bikes and do decent pedaling. The leaves are turning from green to yellow, orange, and red, which makes them more important than shorter days, peaceful roads free of summertime traffic, and cooler temperatures that balance out your sweat ratio.

Indoor workouts

Now, for those who like to stay at home and enjoy the weather while staying healthy, there are a variety of activities that can be done with minimal gym equipment:


When we get colder than usual, our circulation slows, which not only reduces the productivity of our systems but also lowers our body temperature. Yoga minimizes the common cold by balancing your sympathetic (response/fight) and parasympathetic (rest) nervous systems.

Setu Bandhasana Pose

  1. Lie on your back with a yoga mat beneath you. 
  2. Bend your knees and maintain your feet at least hip-width apart. Do not lift your feet off the ground. 
  3. Put your arms beside your body, palms down, on the floor.
  4. Take a deep breath and gradually raise your back. Raise it until only your shoulders are touching the floor. Support your body with your arms, shoulders, and feet. Remember to engage your buttocks and abs as well. 
  5. This is the position in which your body resembles a bridge. 
  6. Hold the posture for at least 30–60 seconds, breathing normally and gently. 
  7. Exhale and drop your back to release it.

Viparita Karani Pose

  1. Lay down on the floor, facing a wall. As you lie on your side, lower your shoulders and head to the floor. 
  2. Roll onto your back and stretch your legs up the wall, hip-width apart, or whatever distance seems comfortable.
  3. Adjust your posture by pushing your tailbone against the wall. It is not required to contact the wall.
  4. Relax your arms and shoulders by placing them at your sides in a comfortable position, palms turned up. 
  5. Place your legs against the wall and relax. Release of all efforts. You may notice your femurs sinking into your hip sockets. Feel your spine lengthen. Allow at least 10 minutes to settle into the position and breathe.  

High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

Due to its efficiency and time-saving qualities, HIIT is known as the most highly recommended indoor exercise. Here are some HIIT examples to keep you warm during the fall.

Try this HIIT Workout

High Knees (20 seconds work, 40 seconds rest) x 5 sets

  1. Stand tall, feet hip-to-shoulder width apart, arms at your sides.
  2. Raise your right knee to your chest, just above waist level.
  3. Lower your right leg and left hand as quickly as you can.
  4. Repeat using your right leg and hand.
  5. Alternate between your right and left legs for the specified amount of time.

Plank Jacks (20-second work, 40-second rest) x 5 sets

  1. Begin in a plank stance, arms outstretched, hands under shoulders, and feet together. From your head to your heels, your body should be in a straight line.
  2. To help prevent your lower back from being damaged, engage your abs.
  3. As if you were performing a horizontal jumping jack, spread your feet out wide to each side.
  4. Maintain your plank position while quickly hopping your feet back together.
  5. Continue jumping in and out. Throughout the exercise, keep your back flat and your hips from dropping. Your arms should be stable.
  6. To begin, perform 10–20 seconds of plank jacks. You can practice for up to 60 seconds or jump quicker to make the move more difficult.

Burpees (30 seconds work, 60 seconds rest) x 4 sets

  1. Begin in a squat, knees bent, back straight, and feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Reduce your hands to the floor in front of you, slightly within your feet.
  3. Kick your feet back so you're on your hands and toes and in a pushup position.
  4. Do one pushup while keeping your body straight from head to toe. Keep your back straight and your buttocks up.
  5. Jump your feet back to their starting position to perform a frog kick.
  6. Stand up and extend your arms above your head.
  7. Jump into the air rapidly and land back where you started.
  8. Get into a squat position as soon as you land with your knees bent, and repeat.

Workout Tips For Fall Season

  1. Check the forecast. You should take a rain check before you go. If it's raining or snowing, you should cancel the trip. If the sky is clear, check the outside temperature to see if it's harsh or comfortable. 
  1. Dress in layers. Dressing too little or too much is a no-no. You should layer appropriately in this delicate weather. The recommended layers are as follows: the innermost layer should be moisture material, the middle layer should be thermal protection wool, and the outermost layer should be breathable or waterproof. 
  1. Listen to your body. When you're too focused on your workout, you lose track of other sensations in your body, such as your hand, finger, or foot. To avoid frostbite, use a hat, gloves, and appropriate footwear.
  1. Drink your water. We might not feel as though we need to drink as much fluid as we did in warmer weather as the temperatures begin to fall. This feeling may be related to decreased sweat and thirst. However, even in freezing conditions, you constantly lose fluids by breathing, sweating, and urinating.
  1. Warm up. Warming up and stretching out is especially important during the winter months because your joints may be tighter. Warm up the major muscle groups before diving into action.

Key Takeaway

As the leaves change color, you might want to change your lifestyle, stay fit, and prepare for winter weather. Festivities are approaching, and your body needs to adjust in order to meet festive demand. 

Workout and enjoy the season outdoors when it is in full color in the fall. It is important that you commit to your workout regimen; don't let the cold hinder you!

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