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Realistic Fitness Goals Ideas

What are fitness goals? These are the objectives you set for yourself in order to be physically healthy.

Fitness goals are training programs or physical tests that you establish for yourself to achieve in a certain amount of time. Setting fitness goals entails determining what you want to achieve or accomplish, and then taking the required measures to achieve them.

A table with food, a fitness planner and exercise tools

Fitness Goals for Beginners

You may find it difficult to determine your overall goals for your health and fitness journey. We are all aware that the beginning is always the hardest part, but in the end, it's all worth it, right? You can try focusing on those small and specific goals you can achieve to get you started. Remember that great things start from humble beginnings. 

What are fitness goals and why are they so important? It's a specific training goal or physical test that you set for yourself to achieve in a certain amount of time. Fitness goals are important because they help us remain on track and complete workouts that we might otherwise skip if we were left unmotivated.

If you're a beginner and you are starting your fitness adventure with the objective of reducing weight, don't place too much pressure on yourself that you have to achieve it in a short amount of time. Keep in mind that the key to success is consistency, and that health is a journey, not a destination. So take one step at a time and be patient enough to go through the end of the path.

How to Make Fitness Goals

Fitness goals are useful for a variety of reasons. However, determining how to set fitness objectives that you'll genuinely want to achieve might not be as hard as it may seem. How to make fitness goals achievable?

Plan everything and assess yourself.

The act or process of establishing or carrying out plans, specifically the formation of goals, policies, and processes, is defined as planning. While developing a fitness plan for your goals, it is best to have long-term, sustainable, and measurable goals in mind. Your fitness journey begins with the appropriate motivation and the best fitness equipment.

If you're new to fitness, start with little changes like going to the gym a specific number of times each week. Consider what has previously prevented you from accomplishing your objectives. Being honest with yourself can assist you in identifying and removing roadblocks before you begin.

Consider seeking assistance from a professional.

If you're having problems determining your current fitness level or determining a suitable goal, seek guidance from a professional. A professional personal trainer can assist you in determining how realistic your objective is. This will help in tracking your progress over time.

Focus on one goal at a time and set smaller goals.

It is not a good idea if you keep on attempting to accomplish so many goals at once. This is a recipe for disaster and totally useless because it will be a hindrance to achieving your fitness goals faster. Choose one goal that you want to achieve and focus your efforts on attaining it before moving on to another.

Smaller, confidence-boosting goals that can be completed in a shorter period of time should be included in your larger goal. It's easy to lose motivation if you have to wait too long to feel like you've accomplished anything.

Make your goal unique to you and consider what motivates you.

You may want to accomplish the same fitness goals that your fitness inspiration has achieved for the past years. It may be ideal for them, but it isn't ideal for you. Your objective should be your personal goal, it should be your greatest reason. Something that you are passionate about and confident in your ability to achieve.

Exercise aspirations are frequently motivated by underlying worries, insecurities, or body image difficulties. But your motivation should be something that will lead to a better and healthier you. You should set fitness objectives for yourself, not for the benefit of others.

Set a lower bar and make sure it’s achievable.

Your fitness goals should be simple or within reach. Begin with a tiny, easy step. The objective is to get used to moving and gradually increase your ability.

You should have enough confidence in your ability to attain your goals. The lower your confidence, the less likely you are to take action to make it happen. Early success is critical because it fosters confidence, which can lead to long-term achievement of your fitness goals.

Play for the long haul and be realistic.

Choose a goal that you can accomplish in a few months or within a year. Establishing a realistic time range for attaining your goal is an important factor as well. With a long-term mindset, you'll be more likely to stick to it.

Make arrangements for a support system.

If the people you spend the most time with are supportive of your ambitions, it will have a huge impact. Consider who in your life might be able to help you achieve your goal by encouraging and motivating you. They are the ones you can contact at any time if you need support or motivation.

Make it a SMART fitness goal.

The SMART technique, which ensures that your objective is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely, is a wonderful way to remember your goals. A measurable goal allows you to track your progress, and the more explicit your goal is, the clearer the route to accomplishing it. A time-bound goal can help you focus your efforts, form a more defined plan for accomplishing the goal, and provide a sense of urgency that can be inspiring.

A man and a woman in sportswear doing high five

SMART Goals for Physical Activity

What exactly do "smart" physical activity goals mean? The acronym "SMART" stands for precise, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-framed goals. Setting "SMART" physical activity goals is an excellent way to improve your overall health and appearance. It can also assist you in achieving larger goals that you may like to establish for yourself in the future.

Your goals should be specific.

  • When you're explicit about your fitness goals, you'll know exactly what you need to do. A fitness goal of "to lose weight," for example, isn't specific enough. A more detailed goal is to "run enough to burn at least 1000 calories this week." This means that your objective should be to respond to the five "W" questions.

Your goals should be measurable.

  • Measurable goals make it easy to track your progress toward your objectives. If you are able to add time or quantity, it will make measuring your objective easier. In the earlier example, the plan's time metrics were 1000 calories and a week.

Your goals should be attainable.

  • In the fitness world, attainable goals are crucial. Set goals that are just a little bit beyond your current abilities but that you know you can achieve. Setting unrealistic goals and failing to achieve them can harm your physical and mental health.

Your goals should be relevant.

  • Make your objective relevant to what you really desire when you're setting it. Your goal must have meaning in your life. This could help you stay motivated when you become bored. If your goal is to lose weight to be healthy, you need to focus not just on exercising but also on maintaining a well-balanced diet.

Your goals should be time-bound.

  • Goals that are time-bound have deadlines. A fitness goal with a deadline is far more motivating. In the fitness goals "to lose weight" and "to lose 5 kg in 4 months," the latter instills a sense of urgency in you and forces you to plan your goal even more meticulously.

    Here are some examples of SMART goals for physical activity that you might set for yourself:

    Be healthier.

    • Eat more balanced meals and start exercising to get healthier this year. 
    • Carry out a workout for at least 30 minutes, three times per week. 
    • Choose between doing HIIT, running, or jogging.
    • Carry out meal plans to ensure that enough healthy foods are consumed during the week.

    Lose weight.

    • Focus on strength training to enhance resting metabolism and drop 5kg in 4 months. 
    • Perform strength workouts twice a week and one HIIT workout once a week. 
    • Increase your protein and fiber consumption.
    • Watch your carb intake and cut sugar.

    Extend your walking time.

    • For the next 4 weeks, make sure to increase your walking time. 
    • Park the car two blocks away from home or work to ensure that you have a morning walk for a few minutes. 
    • You can take the stairs instead of riding the elevator. 
    • Take the bus three stations sooner to get more steps in. 
    • Take a walk when going to a nearby restaurant when going out for lunch. 
    • You can walk your dog for 10 minutes longer.

    Improve fitness through exercise

    • Train for a marathon for the next six months.
    • Begin running on a regular basis.
    • Use a tracking app to train for a marathon and will only stop once the race is done.
    • Maintain a healthy and active lifestyle in order to compete in the upcoming marathon. 
    • For the next few months, eat a well-balanced diet fit for a runner.

    Here are other SMART goals you can set for yourself this week.

    • For those who are pressed for time, try brisk walking for 10 minutes. 
    • If you can't do it alone, take a 15-minute stroll with your pal.
    • Go for an hour of badminton matches with your best buddy.
    • Take a 20-minute bike ride if you love biking.
    • If you're looking for a way to meet new people, try a Zumba class at your community center on a weekend.
    • Do 15 minutes of strengthening exercises for more powerful muscles.
    • Plan an outdoor excursion on a weekend for your loved ones as a family activity.

    If you are already a physically active person, you can push yourself by trying something new or increasing the amount of time you spend exercising. You can commit to an hour of physical activity, but you'll have to do it four times instead of once a week.

    Key Takeaways

    Individual fitness levels and objectives range significantly. The ideal fitness regimen for someone else might not be the best for you. If you have a pre-existing medical problem, see your doctor before starting any physical exercise plan.

    SMART goals are method-oriented objectives that will assist you in achieving your fitness goals. They go into great detail about how to achieve fitness or other life goals. It focuses on the process of achieving your goals rather than the end result.

    Set goals that you believe you can achieve and then adjust them as you gain a better understanding of your capabilities. As you show up to your workouts on a regular basis, you are doing a fantastic job for yourself. Don't get too caught up in deadlines and pressure—it'll just make it tougher to keep to your goals. Just keep going!

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