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Lifting Weights: Things You Need to Know to Get Started

Lifting weights is also referred to as strength training or resistance training. It can help you achieve your goals of increasing strength, losing weight, or having a fitter body.

Lifting weights is not only good for toning muscles; it is also beneficial for your overall health. So, if you want to start one, you need to understand its fundamentals and various advantages. 

A man sits on a bench with a set of kettlebells in front of him

Getting Started with Lifting Weights 

It is never too late to get started lifting weights. Weightlifting is not only for young people to enjoy; as we age, it helps us fight muscle loss and tone our bodies.

What's great about weightlifting is that it can be done at home without having to go to the gym and find equipment. Any weighted alternative can be utilized. 

Lifting weights is a sort of strength training in which weights are used as resistance. Weight training stresses the muscles, causing them to adapt and grow stronger, much like physical activity stimulates your cardio. 

It can help you control or lose weight and boost your metabolism, allowing you to burn more calories. Lifting weights can improve your quality of life and ability to perform daily tasks. Weight exercise can also help keep your joints healthy.

Lifting weights for beginners: 

  • Warm up. It is always advisable to begin lifting weights that you are comfortable with to lift up to 15 times. A set of 12 to 15 reps with a mass that fatigues the muscles can usually increase strength as quickly as three sets of the same workout. Don't worry, as you gain strength, you can add weights into your workout.
  • Use proper form. Learn how to perform each exercise correctly. For example, move through your joints' entire range of motion when lifting weights. Keep your back straight and your abs tight during each lift to support your spine. 

This will also help prevent injuries by targeting the appropriate muscles. The better your form, the better your outcomes will be, and you will be less inclined to harm yourself. If you can't keep good form, alter the weight or the number of rounds.

  • Don't forget to breathe. Breathe regularly during strength training by inhaling during the acceleration phase and exhaling during the concentric phase. Exhale while doing the most difficult task, and inhale as you return to your starting position. The activity will be easier to do if you breathe properly. Breathe out when lifting the weight and in while decreasing it.

  • Rest. Rest for at least 72 hours before working out the same muscle group again. This allows your body to recuperate and increase muscles without risking damage from overtraining or under-recovery. The appropriate relaxation period is determined by your objectives. 

  • Muscle hypertrophy, or muscle gain and growth, may necessitate less rest than weightlifting. As a result, you reduce the number of reps in a set (exercise volume) while raising the intensity for muscle strength (adding heavier weights). The typical rest interval between strength sets is 3 to 5 minutes.

    A man doing his weight training routine with his trainer

    Health Benefits of Lifting Weights 

    It is, by far, the most effective way to gain muscle. 

    Lifting weights causes your body to generate these hormones, which promote tissue regeneration and allow your muscles to become stronger

    It helps to keep your joints healthy and strong.

    Weightlifting puts force on the bones and helps them maintain their strength. Strong bones and joints are essential for preventing the normal weakening of bones as we age. Weightlifting concentrates on the bones in the hips, spine, and wrists, which are the most prone to fractures.

    Lifting weights can improve your cardiovascular fitness.

    Although you may not equate weightlifting with your heart, it has major cardiovascular advantages that can improve your long-term wellness. Did you know that lifting weights for less than an hour every week can cut your risk of a heart attack or stroke by up to 70%?

    It increases metabolism and aids in weight loss.

    Lifting weights puts a load on every muscle in the body, resulting in an increase in metabolism for the next 24 to 48 hours. Lifting weights offers a unique weight loss advantage that makes it preferable to other forms of exercise for weight loss: when you lift weights, you develop muscle and lose fat.

    It controls insulin and reduces pain.

    It allows the body to burn glucose for fuel without the need for extra insulin produced by the pancreas or administered through injection or pump. Lifting weights also helps reduce inflammation, a symptom linked to many diseases, though there is no simple reason why.

    Lifting Weights Exercises

    Dumbbell single-arm rows

    The one-arm dumbbell row complements any weight training. While increasing core stability, this movement targets the upper and lower back, shoulders, biceps, and hips. You also strengthen your entire back, shoulders, and arms.

    Dumbbell shoulder press

    The overhead dumbbell press is one of the best upper body workouts for developing muscles and general shoulder strength. When performed while standing, it develops core muscles such as the back muscles, transverse core muscles, lower spine, and spine protectors.

    Bicep Curls

    Bicep curls concentrate on the body movement of elbow flexion, or bending the arm at the elbow. It can help you develop bigger biceps and strengthen your grip. Doing bicep curls daily will enhance your exposure to stimuli that stimulate muscle growth.


    Due to the stimulation of your main lower body muscles, deadlifts are extremely effective at improving functional strength. They also prepare you for the practical activity of properly lifting objects off the floor, which is a necessary skill in everyday life. 

    If you want to increase the size of your back legs, the deadlift is the best lifting workout for you. The greatest aspect of practicing deadlifts is that you can get a terrific workout quickly because they involve so many different muscles.

    Chest Press

    The chest press works your shoulders, arms, deltoid muscles, and triceps, increasing muscle mass and strength. These are your bench press prime movers, which means they are in charge of doing the most work. 

    In general, the chest press is safer and easier to learn. If you want to bulk up, do three sets of 8 to 12 reps with 90 seconds of rest in between. Perform three sets of 15 to 20 reps with a 60-second break for muscular endurance.

    Kettlebell Swings

    Kettlebell swings are beneficial to your lower and upper bodies, your muscles, core, posture, and balance. To reap the full benefits of kettlebell swings, you must perform the workout correctly. Swing your kettlebells at a comfortable height, and they should always be at or below shoulder height.

    Key Takeaways

    It is strongly advised that you consult your doctor before beginning a new workout routine. Seek professional advice and recommendations about your current health situation. Also, as part of your workout plan, learn the safety guidelines and techniques. A personal coach or trainer will be a great help in kick starting your journey into lifting weights.

    Poor weightlifting techniques can cause injury and prevent you from achieving your fitness goals. You can avoid these problems by learning proper lifting techniques. Always keep your safety in mind when working out, especially when using gym equipment. Accidents can occur at any time, and it is always preferable to be safe than sorry, right?

    Fitness-related injuries can happen to anyone, so as the saying goes, "prevention is better than cure." It is always recommended to wear proper workout gear and accessories to protect yourself while you are in action. Stay healthy, everyone!

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