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Weightlifter Diet Tips & Advice

[author]Reniel A.[/author] [author_img][/author_img] [author_info]Content Writer[/author_info]


Weightlifting is something that not everyone will have the guts to do because lifting weights isn’t as easy as stealing candy from a baby. Just like how parents try their best to stay on their A game when it comes to providing their little ones the right food, the same approach can be applied by weightlifters when it comes to their diet.                               

A lot of people assume that weightlifters can eat whatever they want to, but this is not the case all the time. Aside from pushing their bodies during workout sessions, weightlifters have to make sure that they stay on top of their weightlifting nutrition game because the wrong weightlifter diet plan can be detrimental to their body strength, energy levels and muscle mass.                                                                                 

If you want to be a weightlifter or someone who’s new to lifting weights then these weightlifting diet tips & advice will help you:                    

1. Eat high-quality protein   

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One of the reasons why people lift weights is because they want to build muscle. Getting your protein fix from high-quality protein sources such as fish, milk, chicken, turkey or eggs is wonderful, but it’s also important to eat the right amount before and immediately after your workouts to prevent the loss of lean mass and heal your muscles. 

Keep in mind that you only need around 0.8 gram of protein per pound of your body weight, so if you think devouring more protein is the way to go to build more muscles then you’re completely wrong. Research has shown that there are no added benefits from eating more protein so keep everything in moderation.

2. Load up on carbs 

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Carbs are known to be the primary fuel source for the brain and central nervous system. Eating an adequate amount of it half an hour before lifting, and around 40-50 grams right after you finish your workouts is essential so you have stored energy to function. Carb intake also helps delay the onset of muscle fatigue caused by vigorous exercise so loading up on carbs prior to your workouts and a few hours after unleashing the beast in you at the gym is beneficial.                         

Not consuming enough carbs, on the other hand, will put a damper on your workouts as you won’t have enough energy supply to last until the end. This is why you should load up on carbs to have a constant supply of energy and prevent your body from turning to other fuel sources to burn such as fat and protein. 

3. Be wary about your fat choices

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Not all fats are created equal and knowing the right alternatives to go for will give you not just the right fuel but can help your other bodily functions to work well. Go with the healthier options like olive, flaxseed and walnut oil instead of soybean, corn and other vegetable oils when cooking your food or choosing your salad dressing.

4. Have a structured meal plan/composition    

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Spreading meals throughout the day is an aspect of nutrition that weightlifters should pay more attention to. It’s always better to eat a moderate meal/snack about 4-6 times throughout the day rather than eating two pretty big heavy meals all at once. Doing this will help keep your blood sugar levels under control while stimulating muscle growth.             

There’s really no better way to be in charge of your weightlifting nutrition needs by having a structured meal plan. This will help you enhance your ability to lift increasing amounts of weights and have more discipline to consume the right kind of food at the right time, depending on your weight training fitness goals and body needs.                 


That's it for now. If you guys want to see a major difference in your workout results then you have to make sure your diet is in sync with your lifting. Having just the flexibility, endurance and other technical skills are not enough to succeed, you also must be willing to put in the work in the nutrition department to maximize your muscle and strength gains.  

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