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10 Best Workouts Using Exercise Ropes

What are the best battle rope exercises that work for your whole body? Go over this article and find out the best workout that fits you.

Battle ropes are used for heavy rope exercises that focus on building your strength and stamina. This fitness equipment has grabbed the limelight because of its ability to work for your whole body in a limited period of time. 

With the variety of exercises you can do with your exercise ropes, you can give your muscles a great workout partner that allows you to get more results rapidly. 

A man in electric blue exercise pants uses a battle rope

10 Battle Rope Exercises For A Full Body Workout

1. Alternating Waves

Alternating waves is a classic battle rope that focuses on strengthening your upper body. 

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and grab one end of the battle rope in each hand with your palms facing each other. Place your hands on the sides of your hips and slightly bend your knees. As you brace your core muscles, move both arms up and down rapidly in alternate motions, keeping your legs and body stable. When one arm goes down, the other one goes up. 

2. Alternating Wave Jump

Alternate wave jumps target your arms, shoulders, and back while the squats target your legs and glutes.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and hold one side of the rope with each of your hands. Drop down into the squat position as you place both of your hands on the right side of your hips. As you land softly back into the squat position, explode off the ground as you swing the battle rope up and over to the outside of your left hip. 

3. Alternate Wave Lunge Jump

The Alternate Wave Lunge Jump is a combination of Alternate Waves and lunges. 

Hold the ends of the battle rope in each of your hands. Move your arms alternately to create alternate waves. Put your right leg behind and then jump up to switch legs and then repeat the lunge with your left leg extended on your back. Keep your head and chest up while continuing the alternate wave. 

4. Lateral Shuffle with Alternate Wave Lateral 

The Lateral Shuffle with Alternate Wave is also based on simple Alternate Waves. 

Begin by standing straight while holding the battle ropes in both of your hands. Bend down slightly and move to your right as you are creating alternate waves. Do this again, but this time move to your left. Continue these alternating swings while doing jump squats. 

5. Alternating Wave Jump Squat

The Alternating Wave Jump Squat is a combination of alternating waves and squats. It helps to tone your body and targets your core as well.

Hold each end of the battle rope with your hands and perform low alternating waves. Jump into the air, landing in a squat position once your waves become nice and steady. Repeat the move while keeping the waves going.

6. Jumping Power Slam

Jumping power slams is a battle rope exercise that tires your muscles really fast. 

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, facing the anchor. Grab one end of the battle rope in each hand, and then lower the ropes down with your arms extended at your sides. In a squat position, tighten your core and then jump high into the air while raising your hands overhead. 

Back down into a squat position, softly and forcefully slam the ropes onto the floor in a wave motion.

7. Squat to Shoulder Press

The Squat to Shoulder Press works for your lower body and core. This exercise also strengthens your shoulders. 

Stand with your feet a little wider than hip-width apart. Hold the ends of the battle rope on your shoulders, ensuring that there is a little slack in the rope itself. Lower yourself into a squat position. Simultaneously, press the battle rope ends overhead to straighten the arms as you stand back. As you sink back into a squat position, lower them back to your shoulders. 

8. Alternating Wide Circles 

Alternating wide circles targets your grip strength and puts extra emphasis on your back. Make big circles as you can and keep the momentum because as you slow down, the rope becomes heavier. 

Stand with your feet hip-width apart in a shallow squat position. Grab one end of the rope in each of your hands. As you tighten your core, move the rope out to the side in a circular motion. Complete the motion by bringing the arm back in front of your body. Keep the circle going with each arm still in-sync. 

9. Jumping Jacks 

Jumping jacks increase your heart rate while targeting the smaller muscles of your shoulders. You will feel this in your core as you do this battle rope exercise.

Stand with your feet about hip-width apart and your elbows bent. Grab one end of the rope in each of your hands. As you bring your arms up and out on your side, jump wide with your elbows bent, lifting the ropes onto the height of your shoulders. As you jump, put your feet back together and slam the battle ropes back down.

10. 180 Degrees Jumps

180 Degrees Jumps help increase your stamina and flexibility.

With the left side of your body facing the anchor, stand straight as you hold the rope in both of your hands. Then lower your body as you jump and rotate 180 degrees while swinging the battle rope overhead, landing with the right side of your body facing the anchor.

A woman dressed in sportswear engages in battle rope exercise

Important Reminders 

  • The closer you get to the anchor point, the heavier it gets and the harder it is to move the battle rope. 
  • Do each battle rope exercise for a minute with a 60-second rest in between each workout. If you want to challenge yourself more, you can cut it down to a 30-second rest. 
  • After completing a routine, take a 5-minute break, and then you can start again. Complete 3 to 5 repetitions. 
  • Remember to cool down and do some stretching after every workout. 

The above workouts using your exercise ropes help to strengthen your arms, shoulders, and abs. It also activates your leg muscles and increases the core and flexibility of your upper and lower body. 

There are a variety of selections of exercise ropes for arms and your body in the market today. These training ropes come in various lengths and thicknesses depending on your fitness needs and capabilities. The standard size is 40 feet long and 1.5 inches thick.

You need to find battle ropes that are durable, versatile, and heavy-duty to be your long-time partner in your workout routines. Enjoy your workouts and stay healthy. 

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