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Valentine's Day Fitness Date Ideas


Valentine’s day is coming and if you want to switch things up and make this year’s date extra memorable then it’s time to ditch your usual dinner and movie date plans. Here are 4 Valentine’s day fitness date ideas that can help keep you and your bae in shape: 

1. Dance your hearts out

One of the best ways to let loose and shake up your Valentine’s Day date is to take her to a Zumba dance workout class. Working up a sweat by grooving to the beats of merengue, flamenco, salsa, and other hip-shaking upbeat Latin dance music is really such a fun way to burn calories. This activity is like a breath of fresh air that will not only spike your heart rates up but guarantee to reduce your stress levels as well.  

2. Invite her to a yoga date

Another interesting and healthy way to deepen your connection with your partner this coming February 14 is to do something with her that involves touching. Going on this kind of date is something that can take your relationship to the next level and keep the intimacy alive. Don’t forget to bring with you some high-quality foam rollers to massage your muscles and provide the support that you guys need for those extra difficult poses.

3. Go rock climbing

If you want to spice things up this Valentine’s day by engaging in a fun fitness activity together then do try rock climbing. This activity will require a lot of communication and trust with your date and it’s certainly a nice way to support each other and hear words of encouragement on your way to the top.  Don’t forget to use chalk balls that are made from 100% pure magnesium carbonate powder to ensure better grip and excellent friction.

4. Hit the ice

If you’re serious about getting some awesome cardio and solid leg workout with bae then hitting the ice this coming February 14 will be a great idea. This activity is an incredible way to keep you and your lover fit and active because it requires amazing control, strength, and stability.  It’s also a lovely opportunity to improve each other’s balance and get the chance to hold hands longer.

There you have it. These are just some fitness date ideas that you can try on Valentine’s day especially if you want to spend quality time with your significant other doing something that will keep both of you active and moving.            

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