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Breaking the Stigma: Celebrating World Teen Mental Wellness Day

March 2 is observed as World Teen Mental Wellness Day throughout the world. It's an opportunity to raise awareness of problems like depression and anxiety and eliminate stigmas related to teen mental health issues. 

It's an opportunity to spread awareness of programs and activities that can enhance mental health and wellness and motivate individuals to take care of their mental wellbeing. 

Enhancing education and assistance enables all of us to recognize warning signs more accurately, to encourage those who require professional therapy, and to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness that causes so many individuals to suffer in silence.

The American Psychological Association claims that Gen Z is the generation with the worst mental wellbeing. Teenagers, however, are passionate about bringing about change. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), half of all problems with mental health occur before a child turns 14 years old.

Offering a helping hand to a stressed and sad teenage boy 

Behind the Celebration 

While the cause of some mental health issues has been attributed to supernatural entities in some cultures and societies, mental health has been there for generations, even though its actual cause is unknown. 

The stigma and discrimination that frequently accompany sensitive and profoundly altering disorders like depression, anxiety, OCD, and others, despite the fact that the concept of mental illness is more widely acknowledged and accepted in modern society, haven't been able to be eliminated by science.

How To Observe World Teen Mental Wellness Day

Practice Self Care 

Self-care is the habit of putting one's own physical and mental well-being first. It has been clinically verified that practicing self-care can lessen or actually remove stress, anxiety, and tension, as well as boost pleasure, productivity, and focus. 

Increase the number of self-care-promoting activities you do each day. Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they are. Then you'll be even more inspired to work well.

It's Brave to Ask for Help 

Many people, especially teenagers and young adults, are reluctant to ask for help because of how their environment treats them. Yet asking for professional advice does not necessarily mean that you have a problem. 

Seeking advice will help prevent burnout. With the appropriate expert guidance, you may create a healthy coping mechanism that will undoubtedly improve your wellbeing.

Join The Cause 

In order to spread awareness, several organizations may be organizing online events, webinars, or social media campaigns. You can join their online activities and follow these organizations on social media. 

Consider sending a donation to a mental health organization that exclusively serves teenagers in observance of the celebration if you are unable to volunteer or participate in events. Contributions can fund organizations' efforts to assist teens' mental health indefinitely.

Hollister Co. established World Teen Mental Wellness Day as a part of their Hollister Confidence Project. This is a people-powered initiative working 365 days a year to support and assist teenagers who are struggling with mental health issues. 

A happy teenage girl enjoying the sunlight and fresh air brought by nature

Helpful And Healthy Coping Skill You Can Utilize

It makes no difference if you approach situations differently than everyone else. It's essential to find coping skills that work for you if you want to endure and develop toughness.

Deep Breathing

You can keep your cool and handle the pressure more easily by taking slow, deep breaths. It is advised to take a deep breath via your nose, hold it for a moment, and then let it gradually pass through your mouth.


To block out other thoughts, pay close attention to as many details as you can. What feelings do you experience? Explain the noise. Envision the details, the colors, and the approach. 

Give it your full attention while blocking out all other thoughts. It's not necessary to master how to meditate in a sophisticated, logical fashion after years of practice.

Physical Activity

Research has indicated that teens who regularly exercise can lessen their depression and anxiety. Exercise can lift one's spirits, give one more energy, and make one feel more in charge of their lives.

Exercise causes the release of endorphins, the body's "feel-good" hormones. Working out using basic gym tools you can use at home or anywhere will be a great motivation to get moving. It need not be strenuous, as long as it can instantly relax your mind.

Create Art 

This is a great approach for coping with unpleasant emotions, verbally expressing your sentiments without using words, and finding consolation. The key to using creative expression as a coping mechanism is to place more value on the creative process than on the final product.

Listen To Music 

Playing music was one of the best remedies for anxiety. Listening to music might help you block out undesirable ideas. You can choose the emotional responses you want to have during this moment and pair them with the music of your choice. You can carry it forward in this way.

Consider the fact that mental illness is much more common than you might think due to the stigma and discrimination associated with these conditions, which are frequently not immediately apparent. Keep in mind, too, that hundreds of people commit suicide every year because taboos are destructive, and that treatment is always an option.

Unusual behavior 

If your loved one displays symptoms of mental illness, be upfront and honest with them about your concerns. You can still encourage and support someone even if you can't force them to seek professional assistance.

Here are some usual signs of mental illness in teens that can help you spot it before it's too late because early detection is important when it comes to treating it:

  • Extreme highs and lows in one's mood 
  • Abandoning people and hobbies behind
  • Substance or alcohol problems
  • Excessive exhaustion, low energy, or insomnia
  • Major change in eating 
  • Reduced ability to concentrate 
  • Detachment from real life
  • Excessive anger 
  • Strong nervous feeling or anxiety 

Reminder: Immediately dial the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or dial 9-1-1 if you or someone you know needs help.

Key Takeaways

Keep in mind that although World Teen Mental Wellness Day only occurs once a year, mental health is essential every day. Make taking care of others and your own mental health a priority all year. By putting mental health first, we can create stronger, healthier communities and provide kids with the tools they need to lead happy, purposeful lives.

It is important to have good mental and emotional well-being if you want to live a healthy life and be able to cope with everything life has in store for you. In light of this, mental illness affects a number of different demographics, with teenagers being the majority of them.

Remember that it's alright to not feel okay. The act of seeking support for mental health issues is not a sign of weakness. Let's work together to eliminate the stigma associated with mental health and give teenagers the resources and support they require to maintain their mental wellness.

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