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Why Getting into Weight Training is Good Even for Non-Bodybuilders

Are you worried about gaining weight? You will definitely get bulky (but not from muscles but rather from fat) if you don't do strength training. This is why weight training isn’t just for bodybuilders but for everyone.

What Exactly Is Weight Training?

Weight-training exercises belong to the strength-training family. Weight training is performed using weights to strengthen the body’s muscles, such as barbells and dumbbells. 

But thanks to technology, gyms are now equipped with innovative weight machines that can help you achieve your fitness goals in a fun, challenging, and efficient way. From seated cable rows to machine hack squats, there’s plenty of gym equipment that you can use to switch up your workout routine.

A man performing a bodybuilding workout inside a gym

Who Should Do Weight Training?

Some people might feel intimidated, imagining deadlifts and tall, bulky, incredibly muscular bodybuilders. Some women are afraid that weight training might make them look like a big, muscled guy—far from many people’s standard of beauty. But let’s debunk that myth once and for all.

Balance is always the key. A good fitness routine is a combination of different types of exercises, not just cardio or relaxing stretches. Strength training is a component of the overall program that is beneficial to everyone.

People 50 years old and up should not be afraid to lift weights as well. Incorporating it into their exercise routine can help improve their balance and walking pace. It can also help reduce those growing body aches and joint pains. Additionally, it aids in improving muscular strength and bone health, which will help them do activities that are usually difficult for them.

To prevent injuries, exercise under the supervision of an expert coach or trainer who is well-versed in crafting strength training plans suitable for your age, ability, and health status.

Weight Training for Non-Bodybuilders: Where to Start

Once your doctor gives you the green light, you’re ready to take the healthier route.

But where do you start from there? Do you need a gym membership? For beginners, it’s best to work out with a qualified fitness coach. So, it will help to sign up for one.

If convenience is your priority, you can create a home gym. The best home gym machines range from space-saving functional equipment to smart, high-tech options with voice guides that make you feel like you’re working out with an expert coach without leaving the comfort of your private space.

A woman in her sportswear doing strength training exercise

Benefits of Weight Training for Non-Bodybuilders

As you progress, focus on the benefits you’ll reap from weight training.

Improves Strength, Endurance, Flexibility, and Balance

Professional athletes are not the only ones who need outstanding physical strength to stay agile and maintain balance. Everyone needs these essential physical attributes. Strength and endurance will help you finish climbing that long flight of stairs.

Better balance will lessen the chances of falling over and getting injured. Weight training will help develop all of these and more. No matter your age, it’s never too late to enhance your strength or rebuild it.

Boosts Metabolism

The more you build lean muscle mass, the better your metabolic rate becomes. If you felt guilty for consuming calories from the chocolate mousse you couldn’t resist, lifting some weights can help burn those calories even when at rest.

Did you know that after weight training or any other strength training workout, you experience increased metabolism for up to three days? Your body can still efficiently ditch those excess calories post-workout. 

So, imagine how good the effect will be when you do strength training three days in a row. Be warned, however, that this isn’t an excuse to binge on cakes, sugary cookies, ice cream, or fast food. A cheat day from time to time is okay, but a clean diet is key to optimizing the results of your workout.

Aids Bone Development

Whatever your age, you can strengthen your bone health with weight training. The science behind this is that when we lift weights, the amount that hits the sweet spot is between bearable and challenging—it puts a healthy and temporary kind of stress on our bones. As a result, the stimulus induces the bone-building cells to strengthen the bones and make them more resilient.

Since they are the body’s framework supporting structure and form, the stronger your bones, the lesser your risk for osteoporosis, fractures, and other bone-related issues.

Beautiful, Younger-Looking Physique

As mentioned earlier, weight training helps build lean muscle mass. If cardio is heart-friendly, weight training is every muscle’s best friend. As you age, your muscle mass declines, and your metabolism slows down at the same time.

As a result, you accumulate more fat. It is no surprise that most people sometimes feel it is almost impossible to achieve their desired weight in their late 30s, even more so in their late 50s, and so on. But aging can still be enjoyed by staying physically active. Through weight training, you can gradually replace unwanted fat with stronger and bigger muscles. 

With better muscle mass, you appear leaner. So, even if you can’t go back to your good old days when you were in your 20s, being in your mid-40s will only be a numerical definition of your age, not of your healthier, younger-looking physique.

Decreases Risk of Developing Chronic Diseases

Strength training is particularly beneficial for blood sugar management. Building muscle helps improve insulin sensitivity. It also lowers blood sugar levels by taking glucose out of the bloodstream and delivering it to muscle cells instead. Hence, regular weight training can help prevent the development of diabetes.

Incorporating weight training into your fitness regimen causes a positive domino effect. By keeping your blood sugar levels normal and healthy, you’re also protecting your heart health. Strength training can also be used in conjunction with cardio exercises to help keep bad cholesterol levels at bay. 

Moreover, it promotes healthy blood circulation and strengthens your heart and blood vessels. After all, healthy muscle cells and tissues are non-negotiable to keep these vital internal parts running smoothly.

Mental Health Benefits

Aside from its physical benefits, weight training also provides mental health benefits. The cognitive functions that include memory, retention, processing speed, and executive function are crucial in our personal and professional lives. 

So, if you feel like you’re not in the zone lately or need some mental reset to perform more productively in your daily activities, why not start with some weightlifting? It's great for your muscles and your mind.

Releases Happy Hormones

Any form of exercise is mood-boosting. Thank endorphins for that—the happy hormones the brain releases whenever we exercise. It applies whether we engage in cardio, sports, or strength training. No doubt, physically active people often exude a positive vibe in their facial expressions. They look confident, younger, and overall attractive.

Key Takeaways

How do you get started with strength training? Everyone needs to build and maintain healthy muscle mass. Thus, weight training isn’t just for bodybuilders. You can sign up for a gym membership or conveniently build a home gym with the wealth of fitness equipment options available on the market. 

Either way, maintain steady, consistent progress and keep your eyes focused on the benefits you’ll reap when you stick to your fitness regimen. Older people and individuals with health issues should be extra cautious when choosing weight-training exercises. If you are part of this demographic, seek your physician’s advice first before engaging in any fitness regimen.

Nevertheless, staying healthy should be our top priority, no matter what our age is. We can do whatever we want regardless of our age if we stay healthy and strong. A healthy diet and regular exercise will help you get strong and healthy physically and mentally.

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