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Unlocking Your Best Self: 5 Effective Ways to Practice Self-Care

This 2023 International Self-Care Day is the perfect time to treat yourself. Finally, you'll have a justification for needing a break for your welfare, and nobody will object. You can go on a hike, read in the park, practice yoga, sleep all day, visit the beach, or go on a long stroll with no particular destination in mind. 

Let's take a look at a range of techniques for self-care for different styles and interests that could alter your approach to wellness, boost your productivity, or simply improve your daily life. 

There are various ideas on how to take care of yourselves, but here are some healthy and productive ones. 

A woman in white meditating with nature.

Self-Care Day: Cause and Importance

Why do we celebrate International Self-Care Day, and why is it important? It is celebrated every July 24 and promotes the various benefits of self-care that may be applied even on a daily basis.

It offers an important focus of attention and a chance to promote international self-care programs for healthy living. Self-care has been around for a while, but due to its emphasis on general wellbeing, it is currently becoming more popular. 

This could involve anything from preserving a healthy diet and practicing good hygiene to including disease-prevention measures into your daily life.

Healthy Forms of Self Care

Today is a great day to start incorporating taking care of yourself into your lifestyle. You don't have to earn it to do it; you just have to because you owe yourself a good time. 

Listed below are healthy ways to pamper yourself—find what’s perfect for you. 

Take a Long Walk  

If you want to start low, try a 10-minute walk that can burn 30–60 calories, depending on your weight and height. Self-care isn't always about resting. You need to stay active and start moving. 

As you stroll, take your time, breathing in the fresh air and taking in the scenery. The slow, leisurely walk not only involves physical activity and exercise but also calms and relieves anxiety.

Try Yoga at Home 

If you want to be active but don't have enough time to go out, yoga is the perfect option. Yoga has been established to harmonize your body and mind as they stiffen up under stress, and it also aids in weight loss

Whenever your flight or fight reaction activates, you experience a rush of adrenaline, and your body releases cortisol, which speeds up your heart rate and pumps blood to the muscles. Your body begins to recuperate and fix itself. That's where yoga comes in. 

There are a lot of yoga poses you can try as a beginner. Here are three examples you can do at home: 

Mountain Pose (Tadasana):

  1. Stand upright; spread your feet out into hip-width space.
  2. Straighten your back and relax your shoulders.
  3. Put your abdominal muscles to work and balance yourself by putting equal weight on your spine. Stretch your spine, push your hips upward, and press your palms firmly into the mat.
  4. Hold the position for a minute or three while keeping your heels pointed toward the floor on each foot.
  5. Deeply inhale and keep the position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Child's Pose (Balasana):

  1. Put your knees hip-width apart and squat to the ground.
  2. Slowly lower your body between your thighs while leaning back on your heels.
  3. Place your forehead on the mat or the floor while extending your arms forward.
  4. As you maintain the position for one to three minutes, take calm, deep breaths.

Downward-Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana):

  1. Start off on all fours, with your knees hip-width apart and your hands just in front of your shoulders.
  2. Straighten your legs, raise your knees off the ground, and curl your toes beneath.
  3. Stretch your spine, push your hips upward, and press your palms firmly into the mat.
  4. Hold the position for a minute or three while keeping your heels pointed toward the floor.

A woman wearing black sportswear posing while eating a healthy meal.

Make Yourself a Salad 

If you enjoy eating or making food, try experimenting with different salad recipes. A great self-care idea is when you start to take care of your body and put in the good and necessary nutrients it needs. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains will give you high fiber that is good for your heart, blood, and bodily functions. 

Contrary to popular belief, salads can include cheese, boiled eggs, chicken pieces, and even tofu to increase their protein content. Salads aren't simply greens and some fruits in a dressing. Due to its low calorie and high protein content, salad can help you lose weight by keeping you full for a longer period of time. 

Learn a Dance

Dancing can release stress, improve your memory, and produce serotonin, so top that off with cardio exercise, endurance, and increased flexibility. Any form of dancing; hiphop, zumba, ballet, or tap—will keep you moving, bending, and stretching.  

In these days of TikTok and Facebook dance challenges, you can easily find a dance you can try. It is a painless, effortless, fun, and gentle exercise that, once you do it daily, can boost your mood and energy, which will get you through difficult days. 

Aside from these physical benefits, dancing will also keep your brain alive, as it will need creativity, coordination, and focus. 

Try Out a Sport

Is your idea of fun and self-care hanging out with your friends? Well, then, maybe you can try out a fun sport. Not something serious, just a fun activity like badminton, tennis, wall climbing, or marathoning. 

When you're young, you're exposed to different sports in school or are enrolled in one. Participating in sports is important for physical and mental development; it refreshes and enhances the vitality of the mind. 

Trying out sports can really contribute to making yourself feel better because, once your work pays off, it will give you an instant boost in your confidence. Self-satisfaction is rewarding enough.

Here are a few sport suggestions that you can do with your friends in your backyard with fresh air and a good time:

Basketball: You will just need a basketball hoop and a ball. There are no rules when it is done in your own yard, so you can invite one or two friends or family members to play. Just the idea of shooting your ball in the ring without more rules in the game is fun enough and will definitely make you sweat in no time. 

Table Tennis: This fast-paced game can help you improve your hand-eye coordination and reflexes. It also burns some calories while having no negative effects on the joints. Releasing your stress through this game is a great idea; it can benefit both your physical and mental well-being. 

Badminton: A good badminton match is perfect when you want to smash your stress with a racket. This sport is perfect if you want to recharge your focus and agility. It requires you to be alert and only focus on the shuttlecock, which is the perfect way to forget your problems and only put your mind in the game. 


Meditation is becoming more popular, especially today, as many people are so obsessed with their gadgets and screens that they want to take a break from them. It can reduce stress, depression, and anxiety. It can boost your happiness, cognitive skills, and productivity. This is the best self-care you can do when all of the above is too much for you.     

How to do it: 

  1. Take a seat somewhere quiet and peaceful
  2. Set a timer; for a beginner, 5-10 minutes is a good start. 
  3. Make sure you're comfortable, because you won't be moving for a while. 
  4. Now, feel your breath as it goes in and out and focus on it. 
  5. When your mind gets lost in wandering, just gently go back to breathing. 
  6. When you're ready to end it, open your eyes as you take a moment to collect yourself, your thoughts, and your surroundings. 

Since people are constantly preoccupied with something else, this could be challenging at first. However, keep in mind that you can always come back softly and remind yourself of why you are doing this, and you'll be okay. 

You don't have to force yourself to do any self-care if you're not comfortable with it. The purpose of International Self-Care Day is to take a pause and put yourself first.

Key Takeaway 

These International Self-Care Day ideas are designed to foster your physical and mental well-being. If you find the perfect self-care for you that you can practice frequently, then it can be a good start to empowering yourself and leading a healthy life. 

It is important to keep in mind that self-care is an entire lifelong process and that you need to give respect to your bodies, be mindful of your needs, and make it an obligatory part of your daily lives. Everyone's approach to self-care is special, so it's important to discover your own and make it the most important thing in your life. 

Be ready to reveal your best self. Prioritize your well-being by using these 5 proven methods for self-care today! Act now to start your path to a better and happier self. 

Let your inner strength shine. Happy International Self-Care Day!

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