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The Women Who Changed Fitness and Health

In celebration of the International Women's Month, we at Nordic Lifting would also like to feature these four strong and passionate women who changed the field of health and fitness, fostering a new era and encouraging more people to become fit and healthy. 

1881 - Clara Barton

During the Civil War, Clara Barton became a vital support to the American soldiers; bringing in supplies to them and risking her life to save them. It was during this time when she realized her true calling, and that is to help people in need. In 1881, Barton then launched the American Red Cross and since its founding, the humanitarian organization has helped people through providing international relief, health and safety training, and lifesaving blood donations.

1963 - Jean Nidetch

Jean Nidetch has struggled with her weight her entire life. At 214 pounds, she has tried almost every fad pills, diet plan, and treatment, but with little to no progress. Eventually, with the help of an obesity clinic, she was able to reach 142 pounds, but she felt like it would be better if there was a community specifically for weight loss. And so, together with six of her friends, she started weight loss therapy sessions and this eventually became the Weight Watchers. Since its founding in 1963, Weight Watchers has helped millions of people around the world to lose weight and become healthier by focusing on scientific methods rather than trends.

1977 - Lisa Lindahl

Sports bras are undeniably a life-saver, especially when going for a run or hitting the gym. However, it was only in 1977 when sports bras were invented by Lisa Lindahl. Since Lisa usually goes for a jog, she realized that it would be much more comfortable to have a specific bra that can support physical activities like exercising or running. She began creating prototypes for the fitness bra and eventually introduced jockbra - it was later called jogbra, and now sports bra.

1982 - Jane Fonda

Jane Fonda may be known to the world as a prolific actress but with her French-cut leotards and legwarmers, many remember her as the iconic fitness revolutionist who launched a national fitness craze in the 80s and 90s with her workout videos. When Fonda released her first workout videotape in 1982, it immediately became the highest-selling video of all time. This went on and continued when five of her most popular videos were released via DVD last 2014.

Women have been contributing a lot to health and fitness for a long time, and these four women we’ve featured are just a few of them. 

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