So, you've finally decided to hit the gym to get fitter and healthier. Great!
But if you're going to spend time, money, and effort to see the results that you want, don't you also think it's time to consider changing your habits?
I mean, it would be kind of a bummer if all your efforts would go down the drain just because you've failed to consider other aspects of gym time that would have negatively contributed to your fitness goals, right? Nobody wants to fail, everyone wants a success fitness story, but if you won’t let go of bad pre-gym habits, then expect that you won’t make any progress at all.
Still not sure what are these things that I am talking about? Then make sure to read this entire article. Here are some pre-gym habits that are totally sabotaging your workout:
Drinking Lots of Water Before the Workout
It may sound like a harmless act, after all, we want to stay hydrated all day long, but if you chug down a whole liter of water before your gym session, that's another story. You see, the water that you've drunk will sit in your stomach and lead you to suffer cramping and nausea - that's according to registered dietitian Amanda Foti.1 Foti works at Selvera which happens to be a nutritional counseling company located in New York City.
If you are working out first thing in the morning, make sure to drink a few sips, but just don't force yourself to drink too much.
Grabbing a Protein Shake First Before Gym Time
It may look like a healthy choice to gulp your protein shake on your way to the gym, but it actually won't help with anything while doing your fitness routine. Why?
Protein takes much more time and energy to digest. So, before you hit the gym, never eat more than 20 grams of protein. The calories that you should burn should come from your carb intake.
When should you indulge in protein shakes then?
It's ideal to do that after your workout so that your muscles can use them to help you recover from your day's activity.
Skipping Stretch Time
For the nth time, people, don't forget to stretch before you start your workout! You aren't just helping yourself perform better (with less risk of injuries) during your workout session, you are also preparing your body and making it more flexible so you can finish your workout routines more effectively.
Taking too much coffee
If you're a coffee person, you probably know by now how important coffee is in boosting our energy. Drinking an eight-ounce cup before starting your workout can help you work out longer and do other high-intensity routines without getting tired quickly. However, if you drink too much caffeine, you might get dehydrated or experience some digestive side effects, which you don't want of course to happen during your workouts.
Exercising on an Empty Stomach
You can't sweat effectively if you run or lift on an empty stomach. You need to eat carbs and let your body turn them into fuel that your muscle stores and releases during exercise.
Exercising without food in your stomach will not just affect your performance, it may even risk you to injuries. So, before hitting the gym, consider eating a small snack (think low-fiber granola bar, low-fat Greek yogurt, or a few trails mix). And by the way, make sure to carefully choose the food that you eat.
And there you have it, five pre-workout habits to stop. Make sure to list down all the things that you should never do before a workout. Of course, this list is not complete. There are still plenty of things to avoid before a workout if you want your fitness goals to be realized.
Have fun on your workout!