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How To Recover From Anorexia Nervosa?


Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that doesn't affect women but men also. It is characterized by the fear of gaining weight, aversion to eating and the obsession to lose weight in order to be skinny. 

before and after

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People suffering from this type of eating disorder have distorted body images and unhealthy preoccupation with food and calorie consumption. This can lead to self-induced weight loss, abnormal eating behaviors, frequent starving, excessive exercising, disturbed diets and misuse of laxatives to name a few. 

Recovery is quite tricky because the recovery process can be an overwhelming process for anorexics. Unfortunately, not all those who recovered from it can manage to stay in healthy shape for a long time. The sad truth is that the majority of them will undergo relapse. 

If you happen to suffer from this eating disorder and want to make the recovery process easier then this HOW TO article is for YOU

Here are tips that can help you overcome this eating disorder before it spirals out of control and before your health deteriorates as you battle this life-threatening disorder. 

1. Stop looking at yourself in the mirror.

If you're going look at yourself in the mirror over and over again then you'll just end up being disappointed because your body is not as skinny as how you would like it to be. Just because you don't have a huge thigh gap, a really flat tummy or prominent clavicles, doesn't mean you're a fattie. You often hear comments from people about how much weight you’ve lost and how fragile you look but you just don't want to believe in them because you're not satisfied with your physique. Don’t make it a habit to look at yourself in the mirror because it ain’t worth it!  

2. Don't dwell on what that little voice inside your head has to say.

Let your rational self rule and don't let that voice have control over your life. If that voice says that you're fat then don't mind it! Don't let your mind’s negativity bother you or else your insecurities are going to get the best of you. Once you learn how to set that aside, you'll find yourself happier and calmer. 

3. Stop looking at thinspiration pictures.

If you keep looking at thinspiration pictures then you're just going to hate yourself and constantly be insecure because you're not yet as skinny as them. It may motivate you but once you're as skinny as them then you'll not only end up losing more weight but also be on the lookout for skinnier thinspirations too. Find a way out before your obsession to go lower and lower the scale take its toll on your health. 

4. Stop obsessing over your calorie consumption.

Don't tell yourself that you're not supposed to go over a specific number of calories in a day. If you have a mindset like that then you'll end up writing down all your calorie intakes and portioning every food you eat as you ponder on how you get fatter and fatter every single time you eat anything. The thing with making a list is that you'll end up hating yourself when you go beyond that calorie limit and your self-worth's going to go downhill. 

5. Refrain from constantly weighing yourself.

If you constantly weigh yourself from time to time then gaining a pound or two can be heartbreaking so have a lot of will power to stay away from that scale! If you're confused about how you’ve gained weight even though you barely eat like a normal person then it might be due to water retention. On the other hand, if you don't break down when you gain a few pounds then that's a good sign so keep going in order to get your numbers up.

 6. Don't read thinspo blogs.

If you're up to date to new tips and tricks to lose weight then you'll just get curious to try those out. Just opt for blogs on weight gain because you literally need more calories in your body. 

7. Don't starve yourself.

Bear in your mind that if you want to recover from anorexia nervosa then you shouldn't deprive yourself of food. Controlling your appetite and starving yourself will eventually kill you in the long run. Hearing that dying whale sound repeatedly is not eargasmic so say NO NO to curbing your hunger pangs and to food deprivation! 

8. Eat more than you burn and don't over-exercise. 

Eating some pasta and other high-calorie food wouldn't hurt you if you're trying to gain more weight Don't look at consuming calories as a scary thing and don't over-exercise to avoid passing out from extreme exhaustion.        

9. Don't purge when you binge. 

It’s okay to eat to compensate for lost calories but don't come to that point wherein you lose control over your food intakes. Realizing that you've been missing out on a lot of what good food has to offer may cause you to binge.

Binge-ing will make you feel guilty because you're not used to eating too much calories in one sitting and that guilt feeling may cause you to purge what you ate because you're disgusted by your lack of control.

But don't even think about purging. Throwing up may become a habit and may lead to more problems like developing bulima nervosa which is another type of eating disorder.

10. Don't go on any fad diets that involve huge calorie restrictions; Just indulge instead. 

Anorexia is linked to disturbed eating habits and there's a chance that going on these types of diets might make your eating disorder worse. You may look at these diets as a lifesaver by its ability to make you thinner but don't get deceived. Letting yourself to be deceived by these crazy diets is like getting backstabbed by a good friend of yours who you trusted so much. 

Keep in mind that you don't really have to try to meet the demands of an insane diet your body is not prepared for. Instead of worrying about if you'll be able to cope up with the demands of a certain diet, why don't you just indulge in those mouth-watering and scrumptious dishes that were once your guilty pleasures. 

11. Don't use laxatives or any weight loss pills out there. 

If you feel bloated after eating, abusing diuretics is not the best way to get rid of all the food that you ate. When the health consequences show up then that's when you'll immensely despise yourself. 

12. Talk to someone about what you're going through. 

Opening up will most likely help you make your eating disorder battle less harder to deal with. Having the support of your family and friends can make your will power to combat your anorexia nervosa stronger. Also, don't hesitate to consult a professional because they know what's best for you. 

13. Learn to love yourself.

You wouldn't be anorexic if you are not insecure about how your body looks like in the first place. Learning to love yourself and your flaws will make you less prone to having insecurities. Remember that looking thin shouldn't be your basis about how great you feel about yourself. Always remember that! 

Recovering from an eating disorder is easier said than done but having the will power, drive and determination to battle anorexia nervosa can make the fight less complicated. There's no easy way out and sometimes it all comes down to how bad a person wants to recover and how much support they get from their family and professionals.      

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