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Home Exercises You Can Do During This Covid-19 Crisis

[author]Giselle A.[/author] [author_img][/author_img] [author_info]Content Writer[/author_info]



Schools, stores, shops, and even gyms are ordered by governments around the world (especially countries that were hit hard by the coronavirus) to close and observe quarantine mandates in the light of the Covid-19 crisis.

People are requested to stay at home, observe social distancing, and help flatten the curve of the pandemic that threatens the entire world. And while we wait at the safety of our homes for good news, we should also consider doing fun things to uplift our mood and keep ourselves healthy. Exercising is more important than ever since it contributes to good health, which in return can also help us maintain a strong immune system. Additionally, it can also help brighten our mood and keep stress away. 

And so, even with the gyms close, skipping exercise is a big no. As a matter of fact, we will share with you 3 exercises that you can easily do at home. No need to hit the gym!


To help us calm the storm that we are experiencing, Sarada Erickson from Ananda Yoga says yoga is ideal since "yoga shows us that breath is a constant and always in the moment."

If you've been practicing yoga for a long time now, or if you've enrolled for a yoga class, you can check if your studio offers an online class, that way, you could also check on your teacher and friends remotely and have some sense of familiarity when doing yoga in a time of change.

But if your studio doesn't offer an online yoga class, there are still plenty of options that you can avail such as subscription-based paid plans or even just checking Youtube tutorials.

And when it comes to choosing your yoga routine, always consider your skill level. If you're a beginner, choose something basic instead of trying the higher level right away.

20-Minute HIIT Workout

If your preferred workout is high-intensity interval training, then we have something for you as well. And guess what, you don't even have to have gym equipment such as a dumbbell, kettlebell, or even a barbell.

This workout routine was created by Colleen Conlon of the Equinox group and will only take 20 minutes to achieve. Here's the rundown of the routine:

Side Kick-Through—20 seconds

Rest—10 seconds

Repeat side kick-through 8 times.

Crab Toe Touch—20 seconds

Rest—10 seconds

Do it 8 times more

Skater Hop—20 seconds

Rest—10 seconds

Repeat the routine 8 times.

Curtsy Lunge—20 seconds

Rest—10 seconds

Do it again 8 times.

Frogger—20 seconds

Rest—10 seconds

Repeat 8 times.

Note: If you have joint problems, this might not be the best choice for you.

Basic Workout Exercise

Now, if you want a more easier routine, then here's something more suitable for you. And yes, this workout set does not also need any kind of equipment to do them. 

Jump rope 

Do this for at least 2 to 3 minutes

Jumping jacks

Do this 25 times

Bodyweight squats

Do at least 25 squats


Do 5 reps on each leg

Hip extension

Do 10 reps on each side

Hip rotation

Do 5 each leg

Forward leg swings

10 reps each leg


10 to 20 reps

Side leg swing

Do at least 10 times

We hope everyone stays safe. Let’s try to help everyone in these trying times. 


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